Greenlight Guru Academy

Building Forms, Sites, and Processes in Greenlight Guru Clinical
Building Forms, Sites, and Processes in Greenlight Guru Clinical
Building Forms, Sites, and Processes in Greenlight Guru Clinical

About the Learning Experience

Course Categories

Course Progress
Not started
Learning Experience Outline
  1. Building Forms
    1. Introduction to Forms
    2. Informed Consent and Yes/No Questions
    3. Inclusion / Exclusion
    4. Additional Question Types - Demographics Example
    5. Subject Fill-Out Forms (ePRO data)
    6. Slider Questions
    7. Calculated Questions
    8. Reusability
  2. Question Settings
    1. Validation Rules
    2. Single Question Fill-Out
    3. Module Reference
    4. Force Fill-Out Order
    5. Require Subject Authentication
    6. Reminders
    7. Export Labels
  3. Building Processes
    1. Introduction to Processes
    2. Creating Data Events
    3. Example Process
    4. Process Validation Rules
    5. Process Show Rules
    6. eConsent
    7. Require Consent
  4. Creating Sites
    1. Create a Site
  5. Testing the Study
    1. Testing the Study
    2. Enrolling a Subject
    3. File Vault Demo
Building Forms, Sites, and Processes in Greenlight Guru Clinical
Building Forms, Sites, and Processes in Greenlight Guru Clinical
Course Progress
Not started

About the Learning Experience

Learning Experience Outline
  1. Building Forms
    1. Introduction to Forms
    2. Informed Consent and Yes/No Questions
    3. Inclusion / Exclusion
    4. Additional Question Types - Demographics Example
    5. Subject Fill-Out Forms (ePRO data)
    6. Slider Questions
    7. Calculated Questions
    8. Reusability
  2. Question Settings
    1. Validation Rules
    2. Single Question Fill-Out
    3. Module Reference
    4. Force Fill-Out Order
    5. Require Subject Authentication
    6. Reminders
    7. Export Labels
  3. Building Processes
    1. Introduction to Processes
    2. Creating Data Events
    3. Example Process
    4. Process Validation Rules
    5. Process Show Rules
    6. eConsent
    7. Require Consent
  4. Creating Sites
    1. Create a Site
  5. Testing the Study
    1. Testing the Study
    2. Enrolling a Subject
    3. File Vault Demo

Course Categories
