Greenlight Guru Academy

AEs, Unscheduled Events, and Medication in Greenlight Guru Clinical
AEs, Unscheduled Events, and Medication in Greenlight Guru Clinical
AEs, Unscheduled Events, and Medication in Greenlight Guru Clinical

About the Learning Experience

Course Categories


Course Instructor

Erik Canter
Erik Canter
Course Progress
Not started
Learning Experience Outline
  1. Adverse Events
    1. Introduction to Adverse Events
    2. Editing the Adverse Event Form
    3. Reporting Adverse Events
  2. Unscheduled Events
    1. Introduction to Unscheduled Events
    2. Examples
  3. Medication
    1. Reporting Medication
    2. Examples
AEs, Unscheduled Events, and Medication in Greenlight Guru Clinical
AEs, Unscheduled Events, and Medication in Greenlight Guru Clinical
Course Progress
Not started

About the Learning Experience

Learning Experience Outline
  1. Adverse Events
    1. Introduction to Adverse Events
    2. Editing the Adverse Event Form
    3. Reporting Adverse Events
  2. Unscheduled Events
    1. Introduction to Unscheduled Events
    2. Examples
  3. Medication
    1. Reporting Medication
    2. Examples

Course Categories


Course Instructor

Erik Canter
Erik Canter