Greenlight Guru Academy

Supplier Management in Greenlight Guru
Supplier Management in Greenlight Guru
Supplier Management in Greenlight Guru

About the Learning Experience

In this course, you will learn about the Supplier Management Workspace in Greenlight Guru. If you have questions on this content, please contact your designated Onboarding Guru, Customer Success Manager, or Greenlight Guru Support (

Required Environment Access in Greenlight Guru: Sandbox

Required System Level Role in Greenlight Guru: Supplier Manager

For more information on Roles and Permissions, click here.

Course Categories

Product Development
Document, Change, and Training Management

Course Instructor

Jamie Bihary
Jamie Bihary
Course Progress
Not started
Learning Experience Outline
  1. Welcome
    1. Welcome!
  2. Navigation
    1. Overview and Navigation
  3. Suppliers
    1. Adding, Editing, and Activating a Supplier
    2. Searching and Filtering for Suppliers
    3. Obsoleting and Unobsoleting a Suppliers with Single/Bulk Operations
  4. Import & Export of Suppliers
    1. Import of Suppliers
    2. Export of Suppliers
  5. Custom Fields
    1. Adding, Editing, and Deleting Custom Fields
    2. Status and Criticality Field Modifications
    3. Reordering Custom Fields
  6. Supporting Documentation
    1. Adding, Editing, and Removing Supporting Documentation
  7. Reminders
    1. Adding, Editing, and Deleting a Reminder
  8. Contacts
    1. Creating, Editing, and Deleting Contacts
  9. Quality Events
    1. Associating a Quality Event to a Supplier
Supplier Management in Greenlight Guru
Supplier Management in Greenlight Guru
Course Progress
Not started

About the Learning Experience

In this course, you will learn about the Supplier Management Workspace in Greenlight Guru. If you have questions on this content, please contact your designated Onboarding Guru, Customer Success Manager, or Greenlight Guru Support (

Required Environment Access in Greenlight Guru: Sandbox

Required System Level Role in Greenlight Guru: Supplier Manager

For more information on Roles and Permissions, click here.

Learning Experience Outline
  1. Welcome
    1. Welcome!
  2. Navigation
    1. Overview and Navigation
  3. Suppliers
    1. Adding, Editing, and Activating a Supplier
    2. Searching and Filtering for Suppliers
    3. Obsoleting and Unobsoleting a Suppliers with Single/Bulk Operations
  4. Import & Export of Suppliers
    1. Import of Suppliers
    2. Export of Suppliers
  5. Custom Fields
    1. Adding, Editing, and Deleting Custom Fields
    2. Status and Criticality Field Modifications
    3. Reordering Custom Fields
  6. Supporting Documentation
    1. Adding, Editing, and Removing Supporting Documentation
  7. Reminders
    1. Adding, Editing, and Deleting a Reminder
  8. Contacts
    1. Creating, Editing, and Deleting Contacts
  9. Quality Events
    1. Associating a Quality Event to a Supplier

Course Categories

Product Development
Document, Change, and Training Management

Course Instructor

Jamie Bihary
Jamie Bihary